While the “piggy gang” had been gone a couple more of our students showed up. I was especially happy to see Weera. He will graduate with a degree in Political Science this April and was a sight for sore eyes. After an affectionate greeting we sat down to talk a little. Weera plans to return to his community in Mae Hong Song and get in on the ground floor of a government position. His goal is to eventually represent his area in social, environmental and policy decision making. Weera’s exterior is that of kind, gentle soul, which he is. However, one should not mistake this demeanour. His deep, inner determination, and analytical, methodical ways will make a difference.
The students were ready for fun and games! Pranee, Sukanya and Malee stepped up to share the master of ceremony post. With Chai’s help they had organized a full karaoke set-up while we were gone. And, with microphone in hand they were sharing their vocal abilities with the village. Belting out their favourite pop songs they shared some English and some Thai renditions.
The Howlers! Pranee, Sukanya (middle) and Malee (right)
Their games were are not unlike those played in many places, musical chairs, hot potato and the like. The difference was the level of enthusiasm that the teenagers put into making this an all out extravaganza. A difficult activity for western teens to even consider let alone get excited about. The students threw themselves into it! Losing teams had to put on a performance for the winning teams. Winning teams chose the consequence, an activity or song meant to be humorous to increase the all ready, over the top laughter. Then it was time for the food and there was lots of it…
What came next was completely overwhelming and deserving of it’s own story. See you on the final page of this event, coming soon!